What should you wear to prevent snake bites?
The researchers even tested this by putting a copperhead in a leather boot on three separate occasions, and each time the snake couldn't penetrate it. So if you're out in the woods and you see a copperhead snake, don't worry about it being able to bite through your leather boots since they're not strong enough. However if you'll be far away from humans at all times then you should still wear thick boots made out of thick material just for precautionary measures. Continue reading to learn more about dangerous snakes and what you can do to stay safe when outdoors! Image credit : shoeguidepro.com Are snake boots tall enough? Rattlers, cottonmouths, and copperheads can all inflict a nasty bite. The venom from these slithering serpents can cause heart attacks, seizures, swelling of the brain—even death. Since encounters with such snakes are becoming increasingly common in many parts of the country, knowledge about first-aid for snake bites is essential for anyone who...